To accelerate the speed of your Internet connection is necessary to set up a special buffer memory to enable it to better cope with interruptions from the card or USB modem.This the tip is only recommended if you have 256 MB RAM or higher.
Step 1 - Identify the IRQ used by the NIC / USB modem
Follow these steps:
1.Open the System Information tool by implementing Msinfo32.exe the Run command.
2.Expand System> Hardware Resources> IRQs.
3.Look of the list for your NIC (in my case - an Intel (R) PRO/100 Management
Adapter). Note the IRQ next to the line given (in my case - IRQ21).
In the case of USB modems that must first find the USB device used by the modem.
Follow these steps:
1.Open the Device Manager tool devmgmt.msc running from the Run command (or by right-clicking on My Computer> Hardware tab> Device Manager button).
2.Scroll a Universal Serial Bus controllers and expand it.
3.Right click on the USB root hub, and select Properties. Keep in mind that you might need to do it all centers root USB (if more than one) in order to find the right one.
4.In tab of food, search for your USB ADSL modem.
5.In the Resources tab to find the IRQ assigned (in this case - IRQ21).
6.This is the IRQ we are looking for.
Step # 2 - To amend the System.ini file
Follow these steps:
1.Run SYSEDIT.EXE from the Run command.
2.Expand the System.ini file window.
3.Scroll almost at the end of the file until you find a line called [386Enh].
4.Press Enter to make a blank line, and in that type of line IrqX = 4096 where X is the number of designated IRQ found in step # 1 in my case is IRQ21.
Note: This line is case sensitive!
5.Click on the File menu, then select Save.
6.Close sysedit and then restart the computer.
Speed improvement was observed after the computer restarts.
Source :
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