RegCure™ (from ParetoLogic ®) provides fast and efficient scanning and cleaning of your registry so that it can function in an optimal level of performance. RegCure identifies the points of entry is not valid and decide which items you want to delete. After removing registry entries, you have the option to restore the computer to a previous state.
Protect your investment and ensure maximum PC speed and performance with RegCure Registry Cleaner. Compatible with all Microsoft products and third party applications, RegCure seeks and repairs those issues in his record that lead to bad results, such as remnants left behind by their non-registration of facilities, an incomplete-installations, disabled drivers , And spyware applications. RegCure allows you to set your PC's Windows registry in the way that is most convenient for you. Clean your registry manually according to your own specifications or perform a thorough scan and clean automatically!
The user-friendly interface lets you monitor the progress of your scan, schedule RegCure to explore in the days that are best for you and even manage and clean up its implementation of programs for you if you wish.
Source :
Thanks for your tips
Aduh aku gaptek masalah beginian. Cuma tahu pake. Tapi thanks ya infonya
Gak salah klo dicoba buat yg net-nya jadul spt punya saya HeHeHe
langsung coba gannn.......
keren juga nih informasinya sangat bermanfaat sekali gan , langsung saja ke tkp
where can i have this software free of cost ?
kalo baca postingan nie pasti sedih.. huhuhu...
coz saya tx bisa b.inggris,, hehe
versi terbarunya ada gak yah, karena pc saya sudah mulai lelet.. mungkin ada banyak junk file dsb,
Mampirlah kalau ada waktu
Blogger Banua
thanks its nice post
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optimizing is always great!!
minta ijin untuk mencobanya gan...
smoga termotivasi ah
menarik gan ane suka deh
segera di optimasi gan
keren gan info nya deh
langsung optimasi harusnya nih.. he..
info nya berguna,, makasih ya
aduh saya sering ke blog in
mantaap gan
menarik deh gue suka gan hehee
keren lah jadi nya ya :D
keren info nya deh
info nya saya baca dulu ya :D
Now RegCure had version 3.5. please download from official download
aku coba cari d google dl y link d kasih link download sch sm agan dhuwuh
gan saya baca dulu artikelnya ya
bagus juga deh hehe aku suka banget
bagus ni gan buat scaning dan cleaning virus
bingung gan
semoga info nya berguna ya
langsung coba deh.. oke useful bgt nih artikel. mantab sob
semoga info ini berguna hehe amin
nice share kawan
Ijin lewat mas
semoga bermanfaat ini info nya gan
makasih informasinya mas.
saya suka dengan informasi ini gan hehe nicea
keren gan artikelnya.tks
izin nyimak bentar gan....tq bget
terima kasih atas artikelnya
nyimak dulu gan!
maksih buat informasinya sob ,sangat membantu sekali
info nya saya suka gan
indah nya berbagi ilmu hehe
sekiranya ilmu ini masih bermanfaat buat saya....thanks!
Makasi atas infonya gan
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Mantap ini yang ane cari.. thanks bro
Bagus sekali tutorialnya, saya senang bisa membaca tutorial diatas, sangat menambah wawasan. Saya jadi tahu bagaimana optimiing pc dengan regcure. Thanks.
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Mirip-mirip reg-cleaner gitu ya. Ijin coba ah ....
Ini kayaknya cocok buat otak-atik registry Win 7 ke bawah. Ngomong-ngomong ada versi Androidnya Gan ?
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Baru tahu optimize pc dengan tips ini perlu dicoba ni, barangkali bisa bermanfaat. makasih
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indeed the pc must be optimized so that it is more comfortable to use...
by :
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